This could seriously freak somebody out! :)

...Hubby surprised me with a little get-away this week. At first I thought he was joking or just talking but no! He wanted to take me to Sebastopol and to the ocean to get a breath of salt air. It's been a stressful time with deaths in our family & illness for us and others, so it was nice to get out of our bubble. He wouldn't listen to my protests & lists of things to do. I'm so glad he didn't.
A few years ago we set out for Sebastopol after a get-away stay in Petaluma but taking a different turn (wrong turn) we ended up at Point Reyes Lighthouse & Drake's Bay. I blogged about that get-away too. Click HERE to see that post & video. I'll share my photos, even though most were taken from our moving vehicle.
On our way to Jenner we made a detour to visit Occidental, home of the The Union Hotel. My late Mother-in-Law used to go there when she was a little girl. His family used to take the long windy drive from San Francisco just to eat a dinner of duck at this out of the way tiny town on the Bohemian Hwy. It opened in 1879. They no longer serve duck but do still serve family style Italian food. Just click on the picture below to read more about it.
...Peanut Butter Cookies. I am not a cookie person but Hubby is & he has to eat cookies every night. Makes me mad he stays so thin too. It used to be HoHo's but that's another story. haha He is a cookie connoisseur and I was surprised he loved these cookies I made today. For years, I have made my "cake mix cookies" - Devil's Food Chocolate cookies, not his favorite really, but I will make them because they are quick & easy and it's usually when he is out of store bought cookies, so I throw them together in a hurry. My sons & other people really like them though. I experimented with other flavors of mixes with the oil & eggs but he never liked them. I never thought of adding peanut butter either. I stumbled onto this recipe and had to try it since it was my recipe with peanut butter added to it & using a Yellow Mix rather than Devil's Food, which might be good too. Peanut butter cookies are probably my least favorite cookie, but they were so pretty I had to taste one. I have to say these were pretty good!
... Today is my first Ta Da Thursday. I decided I would share & demo all of my messes projects that I do on a regular basis. I have tried a lot of quick projects & recipes because of Pinterest. (You can click on the word Pinterest to view & follow my boards) I can't promise I will do this every Thursday but I will "try". :)
I am working on 2 mixed media/collage projects for 2 friends. I might share these projects at a later date. I don't do a lot of mixed media/collage but I love it. I had forgotten how it sets you free & really turns the light on in your right brain, your creativity really gets turned up a notch. Because I don't do a lot of mixed media or journaling I don't have a lot of stamps. So this week I tried the Styrofoam Faux Lino Carving I had in my Crafty Cravings Board. After a great supper of take-out Chinese Chicken & Eggplant from our local favorite, I cut out & washed the lid of my Styrofoam container. BTW I hate eating food that have been in those containers, I always take it out of those before I store it in the frig. I used to wish they would use paper cartons, now forget about it, gimme that Styrofoam. Here is the "Pin" that was the inspiration for me to try it...
... is so welcomed! Last year wasn't great for me physically or mentally. I lost a lot of people that I love. So I'm glad to let last year go. I can feel it, this year is gonna be great! I'm ready to get back to work! After a long recouperation, it feels so good to be able to sit, lift my arm (for hours) and paint. Every morning before my feet hit the floor I praise God. It's been a year & 1/2 since I re-injured my back. Not only did I suffer from so much pain, my painting also suffered, and this blog, not to mention my housework, however, there was enormous good that came from this terrible time, so God is really great. It's like waking up from a fog.
I finished a portrait commission early in December, then had fun with the Freeform figures, did some collage, and while my creative juices were flowing I came up with my next series. I didn't have anything new last year at all. I mostly painted commissioned pieces & sold a lot of prints, & things on Zazzle, which I was so grateful for. If I went in the studio to paint it would be for very short periods of time. Now I'm losing track of time in there! I can paint for hours! It's wonderful!
My new series is Big Bears, Big Circus Bears! I have been having so much fun drawing them in different scenarios. I painted a ballerina bear for my niece several years ago. I love bears. I have a few black bears in my kitchen. I started drawing them and couldn't stop. I have 30 so far but can think of some more. I want them to look old timey, so back to my roots & hand me the antique solution. Oh man do I get nervous to antique a piece. I am always afraid I am going to ruin the painting which looks perfectly fine. I have 2 paintings on canvas done & they are antiqued. I was thinking I really should have had them scanned first for the sake of prints before I antiqued them. Oh well it is what it is. First I drew them out... (example using "The Tourist")
Gallery Exhibits:
Currently at Hoyt Gallery, USC Los Angeles, CA
Heart & Soul Gallery, Cameron Park, CA
The Empress, Placerville, CA
Twitter Art Exhibit - New York City, March 2016, Moss, Norway 2015 - Annual exhibit, Location varies, 2011 to present.
City of Fremont Olive Hyde Gallery, Fremont CA Oct 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA May - July 2010
Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, CA May 2010
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 09
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA June 09
Cafe Refugio, Sacramento, CA Feb 09
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 08
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08