That's me lately. I just want yarn and needles in my hands all the time. It's like comfort food without the calories. I created this new super fun & easy
crochet hand warmer pattern and listed a few for sell in my Shenanagans shop. I love the vintage yarn I found on one of my treasure hunts, that's what I call my thrift store excursions. It must be from the 70's with the beautiful rust & brown color and is in perfect condition. I love bringing yarn to life that someone kept but never created anything with or gave up on a project but didn't part with it for years. I made a pair for me and are selling a few. There wasn't but 1 skein. I like being able to slip it off my finger & wash my hands without taking them completely off and they are cozy. I made a pair for a friend's daughter in Long Beach and she let me know that she hasn't taken them off and it's been a week! There will only be a few of these in the Universe so if you would like one too, please visit me at Shenanagans! A new customer HomeSchoolHats purchased my hand warmer pattern is now selling her crocheted creations in her shop, she crochets beautifully and has some great colors. Click Here to stop by her shop. Watching crochet videos is a little like watching a golf match. hahaha However, I am grateful for those who teach and I loved learning how to make these little roses! I'll be making some later!
I have so many people to thank. So many have been very kind. I am truly blessed. I hope you take a moment to visit their shops or sites. A Big Shout Out & Thank You goes to Color Coordinated for featuring my art on their fantastic blog & creative Ning! More Big Shout Out's & Thank You's for including my art in beautiful, thoughtful, creative Etsy Treasuries go to Chaotic Cupcake, ThemeFragrance, Poppy Jewelry Shop, Fyrewerks, Indigo Twin, Spirals and Spice, SqueakyBug, CynArt, JoyNStiches, and Mireloom. Your appreciation of my work means so much to me!