I find this hysterical but at the same time I feel the need to apologize for it. LOL

Being a creative soul (sometimes more often than I should & occasionally to a fault), every once in a while I have to burst out of my bubble and experiment, do something that isn't expected of me. Sometimes these experiments go bad, I have a graveyard of canvas in my studio closet to prove it. A few made it out this summer to an "outdoor room" and are hanging on my fence in my backyard. Then there are times when things go right and I think this is one of those times!
These 2 little birds were inspired by ESP at Paint My Photo. It's a wonderful site where Artists & Photographers share there photos free of copyrights. It's fun and there are lots of really nice people there & beautiful photographs for inspiration when your brain goes dead. You don't need to share a photo to belong either. When I look for inspiration I look to photos, magazines, books, more often than I look at art. It's so easy to be influenced by someone else's art and when I'm in create mode I want it all to be me. I've been doing needlework instead of painting. I have lots of things at a gallery here in town called Spoiled Rotten. I've got to get busy though because I have a show this weekend in El Dorado Hills. If you are in the area stop by and say hi!
Create a Great day!
Gallery Exhibits:
Currently at Hoyt Gallery, USC Los Angeles, CA
Heart & Soul Gallery, Cameron Park, CA
The Empress, Placerville, CA
Twitter Art Exhibit - New York City, March 2016, Moss, Norway 2015 - Annual exhibit, Location varies, 2011 to present.
City of Fremont Olive Hyde Gallery, Fremont CA Oct 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA May - July 2010
Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, CA May 2010
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 09
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA June 09
Cafe Refugio, Sacramento, CA Feb 09
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 08
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08