My hubby & I went on a little mini break for our 35th anniversary for a few days. I'm
not as old as that makes me sound. We married when I was a teenager. He took me to my prom. Anyway, he made sure I had a huge tub to soak in and surprised me with these Tea Rose heart soaps. They smell so good, so sweet & old fashioned that they spark a little nostalgia, a scent from the past, from childhood, one of those that seems to be embedded in all of us. He knows me so well. I love it and will enjoy it for a long while, each time, thinking of how sweet & thoughtful he can be & how blessed I really am. I'll take soap over flowers that will wilt in a day or so any day! (That's right. My purple thumb extends out of the garden as well. I never remember to change the water or add that packet of stuff ) I put them in one of my antique rose dishes next to my sink. I'm a sucker for little dishes like these in antique stores & thrift stores. My house is full of men all the time and I'm mostly a tom-boy but I do have a few prissy areas. I like my contemporary cabin but I could be just as ha

ppy in an old Victorian. Honestly the guys like prissy stuff more than they will admit. Lingerie, sure, that's a safe one, but the rest... True story, having 2 poodles, a redhead & a blond, when we have them out & about they can get lots of attention, but you know who it comes from? 90% of the time it's from men! Yep! Isn't that funny?! I'm telling on
you boys! hahaha I once approved a home loan for a headbanging dark rocker, a guitarist in one of the worlds most famous bands and he had purchased a home just outside of Ventura with the prettiest frilliest prissy pink bathroom you ever saw. He sent signed 8 x 10s for all my guys after escrow closed. Every time I see them I think of his bathroom. He doesn't scare me. hahaha
I made this stroller or car seat baby blanket yesterday start to finish. It's knitted & crocheted. I'm not showing the whole thing because it's a gift. I am way behind on my baby gifts that need to be made. I have several more to make. Everyone is having babies! I bought the
Ultimate Sweater Machine a few weeks ago. I have had

a Brother knitting machine in the past and this one is not as nice but it does a good job as long as you take your time, pull the yarn at the beginning of each row and keep the edges and piece properly weighted & pulled with hooks & bands. Once you get your groove it knits very fast, just don't get carried away and forget to tighten the hooks & bands. I think everyone is getting something knitted for Christmas whether they like it or not! hahahaha
Big Shout Out & Thank you goes to
JCStrong &
LuLusApple for featuring my art in their fantastic Etsy Treasuries! Click on their names to visit their Etsy Shops. Everyone's support of my art means a great deal to me!
A handsome clerk asked us this weekend what it takes to be married for so long. Our answer was humor & ability to say you're sorry - I said humor because I knew he'd make a smart remark, like saying sorry, haha I'm laughing. LOL. Later we found ourselves still thinking about that question and we decided that the secret is love ♥, of course, humor, respect, ability to say you're sorry and real forgiveness. Not necessarily in that order. :) Next month is another anniversary, my blog anniversary! Once again I will be doing a give-away for my Followers.