... that's what I have with granny squares. I love them, I don't mind making them, it's just the blocking and sewing together I hate. Just like with sewing, if you want something to look nice and go together well, your fabric has to be ironed, so does crochet & knit. I cut out a thin piece of card board or paper the size that your granny square is suppose to be to use as a template. I set my iron to the Acrylic setting with steam. I just secure the pin at each corner first just pushing it into my ironing board cover. I lightly press and steam careful not to scorch or flatten the stitches too much. My iron is great on this setting but if you have any doubts about your iron you should definitely cover with a thin cloth before pressing. If your square is springing back and not remaining blocked, steam again and leave it pinned on the template until it's completely cool and then remove.

See what a difference blocking makes! You can't tell in the pictures but the black yarn used in this project is Vanna White's Glamour yarn "for special occasions" and it has itty bitty sparkles in it. It's really much prettier in person.
I am going to crochet these together instead of sew. I will share the picture of my project when it's all completed! You can see all the squares I have to block! Maybe I'll put some cream on my face and put all this steam on double duty! LOL