On Monday I had the day to myself & I walked downhill to Sutter St & hung out in the ArtFibers store for quite a while. I bought some beautiful yarn and got lots of inspiration. They let you knit or crochet with the yarn to try it out & will give you a swatch of it, which is so nice! Making a decision was hard but I ended up with the Majolica #5. It's a blend of 70% Merino wool & 30% silk and it feels like butta! I had my crochet hooks with me because I am working on my 3rd sweater made with this Chevron Pattern. I actually made one in a day on the way to San Simeon last month.
It's quick & easy & as you can see really flattering. I didn't bring my knitting needles with me and I just couldn't risk going back to ArtFibers to buy another pair, which I don't need, & I know I wouldn't be able to resist the turquoise blue/green Majolica #6! It looks like beautiful mermaid yarn! I have been working on a freeform crochet piece in turquoise, blues & greens and it would be perfect for it. We aren't leaving until Friday afternoon so I may wander back in there. I planned to make this scarf with the new yarn. An easy 1 Row pattern. They had a scarf in the store made with this pattern and had added some large pendant type beads to the ends of the rows. It was pretty!
Tomorrow is our last day before heading home. The only thing on our agenda for tomorrow is to pop into the Dick Blick store. I swear I hear Angels sing when I walk into an art supply store...then the devil attacks my pocketbook! hahaha If you are having a fit to knit or crochet check out my Hooked & Needle Board & Great Granny Board on Pinterest HERE you'll find some nice patterns & inspiration.