Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Spooky Self Therapy...
...Did I cure myself?
A gray day, drizzly & dank, the chill of Halloween looming, left over paint on my palette from an acrylic & alcohol experiment gone awry. I grabbed some ACEO canvas paper and left the outcome up to destiny. I felt happy, I didn't care if I wasted the paper. I just layered and layered the paint letting fate bring these fellows to life. You can see my freedom in my brush strokes. I didn't care if they are perfect. They didn't scare me. They made me free & happy. Each side of their faces show a different emotion and in the spirit of a Fun House, their eyes will follow you too. Yes I got my freak on! Happy Halloween!
A Big Shout Out & Thank you goes to Sharkbytes for the "Versitile Blog Award" I will be posting it with my responses in the next day or so! And to FruitsofTheBloom & HulaHoopVintage for including my art in their wonderful Etsy Treasuries!

Friday, October 29, 2010
What's New...
... No I'm not folding paper but I'm painting on it!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Wii Origami ! ...
...Wii! is right! My son's friend left the Wii here and I watched "Between The Folds" on Netflix last night. I must have a Wii now. I was immediately smitten with Eric Joisel's work. His whimsical characters, their faces & figures. You know I love a wonky interesting face. I was mesmerized. One piece of paper folded. Amazing. I'm still pondering the comment made in the intro that "We all come from folds". That may be true, but I didn't like how that sounded or the imagery that popped into my head when they said it. Now it's stuck in there. hahaha
I fell in love with origami as a young girl while living in Japan. I would spend my yen on the beautiful packages of paper with eye-popping bright colors & patterns. Back in the day there was always a silver & gold paper at the bottom of the stack. Maybe there still is? I haven't bought any for a long time. The gold paper was like a treasure. The paper I savored the most and took the most time folding. My precious bone folder would have made things a lot easier back then. My mom still tells the story on occassion that she was finding little bits of paper in my bedroom months after I moved out. I have origami paper in my studio as I type this, serving no purpose other than it's comforting on some weird level to know that it's in there. And besides you never know when you might need a crane :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Price of Pumpkins...
I hurt my Achilles tendon last weekend so I have been trying to stay off of it as much as possible. Yesterday walking around in the Pumpkin Patch's sandy gravel made it worse. I stayed off of it last night and made 2 little ponchos while sitting there with hubby & baseball game, using up all my bits & pieces. They are were suppose to be 12 month siz
A Big Shout Out & Thank You goes to Vital Temptation Designs for featuring my art in her great Etsy Treasury. Click on her name to visit her shop full of scrumptious crochet & needlework!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Round & Round I Go...
...Circles, spheres, round objects, balls.... If there is such a thing as a past life, I must have once been a dog. My sister & I had a good laugh not long ago about how I like balls. It's reflected in my jewelry pieces- consisting of balls of clay, my love of pearls - which find their way into my paintings sometimes, my round coffee & end tables, my love of plates, in the completely round patch of manicured grass in my front yard, which was created by my inability to speak Vietnamese...or was it? Subliminally did I really want a completely round circle of grass in my front yard? In my food choices, the love of tobiko, tapioca, and newly found quinoa. Even in the suit in the last post! I'd even consider myself to be round! I have a round face. Yes I am attracted most by round shapes & objects. Do I alone have this affliction, strange preference or are there some of you that have the same affinity to certain shapes? Does your favorite shape show up in your daily life or creative life?
These are a few of the linocuts I've been doing lately. I have a few more that I haven't printed yet. I finished a larger portrait today with sunglasses & a big bow. I hope she prints out well. I'm calling that piece "Mad For Miami". She was inspired by an old Marc Jacobs ad, to me the girl in the ad looks a lot like the amazing Grace Coddington in her modeling days. I was immediately drawn to the wild red hair, bow & sunglasses. She's not an Angel but I personally love the Angels in sunglasses that I'm doing. I imagine them in such brightness that they have to wear shades. I may do my Christmas cards this year with one and just say something like... I hope your Season is the Brightest. Too cheesy? or kind of clever? hum.... I'll have to think about that. I'm going to mount the linocut on wood and use it like a stamp, rather than hand rubbing all of them. I haven't tried that yet. Alas, I have lots more to do before I start that project. My 2doo list is super long. I have many things to list in both of my shops and I am going to be concentrating on getting that done this week. Please stop by later this week and see what's new!
Big Shout Outs & Thank You's go to Glass Etc , PhoFun & Oh For Cute for including my art in their wonderful Etsy Treasuries. Click on their names to visit their lovely Etsy shops.

Saturday, October 9, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Winter Wonderful ...

Monday, October 4, 2010
A Photo Journey...
2010 Artist Studio Tour; Haunted Hotel~ Cary House in Placerville, CA; Olive Hyde Gallery & Mission San Jose in Fremont, CA ; Bancheros~ our favorite restaurant in Hayward, CA & a road side stop for Pepsi with Alien crash landing :)

Saturday, October 2, 2010
In Loving Memory...

When someone comes into our lives
and is quickly & quietly gone
It leaves footprints on our hearts
and their memory stays with us forever
Author Unknown