Random snap shots from our little road trip to Carson City & Virginia City, Nevada this week. I fell in love with the place and hope to get back to go through all those shops soon!

Random snap shots from our little road trip to Carson City & Virginia City, Nevada this week. I fell in love with the place and hope to get back to go through all those shops soon!
...Why yes I would like to impress my friends with these at my next dinner party! Those little rat bastards aren't too hard to make!hahaha LOL Rat Bastards is my favorite cuss to say. I'm not proud, it just slips out. Those who know me are laughing their butts off about now. I had to share because honestly who wouldn't like a cute little rat garnish instead of a tired radish standby, the rose? Keep playing with your food Chef Justin! I love it!
Gallery Exhibits:
Currently at Hoyt Gallery, USC Los Angeles, CA
Heart & Soul Gallery, Cameron Park, CA
The Empress, Placerville, CA
Twitter Art Exhibit - New York City, March 2016, Moss, Norway 2015 - Annual exhibit, Location varies, 2011 to present.
City of Fremont Olive Hyde Gallery, Fremont CA Oct 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA May - July 2010
Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, CA May 2010
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 09
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA June 09
Cafe Refugio, Sacramento, CA Feb 09
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 08
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08