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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Impress My Friends?...

...Why yes I would like to impress my friends with these at my next dinner party! Those little rat bastards aren't too hard to make!hahaha LOL Rat Bastards is my favorite cuss to say. I'm not proud, it just slips out. Those who know me are laughing their butts off about now. I had to share because honestly who wouldn't like a cute little rat garnish instead of a tired radish standby, the rose? Keep playing with your food Chef Justin! I love it!


Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Next time I get fancy (will it ever happen again in this lifetime?) I will definitely remember this

Erik said...

Hahahaha. I just used this with wheat grass and called it, "Despite all my Rage"... all my musician buddies got a huge kick out of it.