Paint one of my son's guitars while he's sleeping, make those mushrooms for my backyard, go through the garage & inventory my spray paint, eat spaghetti, buy some pink flamingos (really) and definitely visit Austin on my next trip east!

Paint one of my son's guitars while he's sleeping, make those mushrooms for my backyard, go through the garage & inventory my spray paint, eat spaghetti, buy some pink flamingos (really) and definitely visit Austin on my next trip east!
I'm a grown-up that still loves crayons. I can feel my eyes twinkle when opening a box of Crayola 64 and my nose automatically dives in to have a long whiff. I've been having fun doing some paper batik
& experimenting and thought I'd share the process that I'm doing. I did this picture in just a few minutes to show you, it's not particularly pretty or creative, just an example, it's best to really take your time & think your piece through. Crayon is unforgiving. It doesn't blend well. You should have your composition & colors in mind before starting. You can layer over some colors to blend but sometimes by doing so it will pull off the initial crayon wax. What you will need is simple, heavy paper, black acry
lic paint or black tempura which I used, crayons, lots of musc
le to get that crayon on thick and a little water. Make sure that the crayon layers are very thick. You can even melt the tip of the crayon a little if you like with a candle flame to make it thicker& stronger in color. When you are finished coloring & happy with your piece, crumple the paper into a ball. The tighter the crumple more lines & cracks will appear. Mix a little of the black paint or tempura with water and submerge your piece. Th
e paint & water will not stick to the crayon. Gently wipe the black paint off the crayon area. It will looked aged & pretty. You can iron the paper if you like. By ironing the paper the wax will melt into the paper. Be sure to iron on the back side with another piece of clean paper underneath because some of the wax will come off. So pull out your box of colors & have fun!
Those of you who follow my blog know that I do not have a green thumb and too much dirt for my gardening abilities. One thing I love, not only for their beauty but because I can't kill it, it grows no matter what, is Oleanders. Yes "
Freeway Flowers". They go unnoticed most of the time, they are unjustly disliked by many, thought to be boring, but I love them. I think they are beautiful. I know that they are poisonous which makes them all the more interesting to me. Deadly Beautiful. When I'm driving down the freeway they make me feel happy, almost as happy as the wild Black-eyed Susans. Although I have pretty roses blooming I couldn't help but pick some oleander this morning. Freeway photo by mistergoleta
I saw this quaint little room on Country Living and fell in love with this paint-by-number collection. It brought back a nostalgic feeling. When I told my Mom about it she asked me if I wanted her to buy me a paint-by-number set! haha (I said No! but a little bit of me thought it might be fun.haha) I don't even know how many of these she bought me growing up. I used to love to smell the paint and it was a bit like doing a puzzle. I think one on a wall wouldn't necessarily be a good thing but a collection I think is really cool! I might keep my eye peeled for these on my next trip to the flea markets or antique stores even though I'm sure these are mostly found in Gramma's attics. haha
A few new prints listed on Etsy today...
I started my morning with a big cup of coffee & fingers crossed that my computer would work for longer than a few minutes. I listed a necklace handmade by Teri Martin with my art as a charm. She sells these charm necklaces in 2 galleries in Downtown Disney and is doing quite well. She handpicks all the beads & disks to match the art with great attention to detail. I truly wish a picture could capture the real thing. She also paints unique & colorful jewelery boxes. I think her necklaces & boxes are wonderfully whimsical! I plan to list more necklaces as soon as I can. If you are interested in this one you can purchase it here.
I am watching JJ today and tonight is his 1st sleepover. He was a little angel all day and went to bed without a whimper. He was so funny. He would bark at the dogs & they would bark back. So we had a barking match going on for a while and lots of laughter. The other day we gave him a lemon & waited in anticipation for him to make an awful face. We were belly laughing when he didn't even wince. He loved it! We looked at baby pools the other day. Today I wished we had bought one because I would have been in it with him. It was so hot! ugh. I starting to pine for rain and yarn. I don't know why but this time I year I always want to knit or crochet. Maybe because it's a good excuse to just sit inside where it's cool.
Here's a peek of a few rough doodles in my sketch book that I have yet to get around to painting... Aren't they sweet?! Maybe soon. My computer is still acting up after a week of talking to Dell and constant virus scans. It's a big ol' bear too. I can only be on the computer a few minutes at a time before it freezes up. Arrrgh. I miss looking at blogs. I think I'm becoming a blogoholic.
There are several people that have really made my day today! A big Thank you goes out to Mel Avila Alarilla At Literatii-An Artistic Blog for a wonderful surprise feature & critique on his blog. I am very flattered, honored and humbled. To Suzi at Art With a Touch of Whimsy for The award is for "Great Attitude and Gratitude" blog award. So sweet! I will pass it along soon. Also Thank You Natalie at Bubbles Variety Shoppe for including my Peaceful Beach Angel in her very creative Etsy Treasury! You can check it out here. I had my little Doodle Bug today and he wore me out! I'm exhausted. I could go to bed right now but I have to stay up to watch the Bachelorette. (I know. I'm a hopeless romantic.) He only took 1 short nap and then he turned into the Energizer Bunny. He was into everything and danced danced danced! My son said he crashed out the minute they got in the car. He's been making this scrunchy face that's so cute. I didn't teach him that either. haha I did a few pages in my journal the other night that I wanted to share one with you but honestly I don't have the energy to scan it, upload and post it. Tomorrow...
Last night & today I've been working on some digital collages for my son. He gave me a little idea of what he wanted and I got to work on it. He likes the girl & tree which is why I have done several. You may notice the background photo in one from a few weeks ago that I took at the creek. I thought it was for a inspiration poster for his work but turns out it's for his album cover. Duh. Synapse & Cardia, well he does work in the medical field & it was an email. I'm easily confused, the ol' neurons weren't working. hahaha I've had fun doing them & I've stayed inside where it's nice & cool. I wish I had a better photo program. Mine is super basic. I had to put my little Doodle Bug in one! These are a few of my favorites so far, I didn't want to post them all. Just curious...which one do you like the best?
...paint food! I can hardly go a day without a tomato. (or jalapenos, maybe that's next) The tomato & eggplants are ACEOs. The juicy red pears are painted 8 x 6 canvas prepared with fine sand for lots of texture. I just listed all in my Etsy shop. You'll know I'm really hungry when I start painting hamburgers, fries, hotdogs & mac-n-cheese! haha
Gallery Exhibits:
Currently at Hoyt Gallery, USC Los Angeles, CA
Heart & Soul Gallery, Cameron Park, CA
The Empress, Placerville, CA
Twitter Art Exhibit - New York City, March 2016, Moss, Norway 2015 - Annual exhibit, Location varies, 2011 to present.
City of Fremont Olive Hyde Gallery, Fremont CA Oct 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA May - July 2010
Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, CA May 2010
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 09
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA June 09
Cafe Refugio, Sacramento, CA Feb 09
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 08
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08