I've been tagged by Thelma! . A wonderful whimsical & colorful artist!
The Rules: List 6 random things about yourself. Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules. Tag six people and link to them, let them know they've been tagged.
This is my first tagging. I must say my family and I had loads of fun and laughter while picking out the 6 I was going to share. I was surprised how many wanted me to share my skinny dipping history, my mother included. haha Anyway I came up with 22 amusing facts that aren't at the bottom of my blog, so I'm prepared if I ever get tagged again!
#1 - My first concert ever was Alice Cooper. I was 14 yrs old & I got in big trouble for coming home late... *Fast forward 30 yrs*... My mother walks up to Alice Cooper at church (My parents' Pastor was Alice's father-in-law) and promptly tells him that he got her daughter in bad trouble! He wrote me a sweet note on a napkin because I couldn't be there. I'm sure he was relieved to hear that it was just for getting home late. hahahaha I have nearly every concert ticket stub from the past 30 years and wish I had that one.
#2 - I secretly like Slinky's even though they aren't the "most wonderful toy".
#3 - At 30,000 ft in the air I've touched and seen the rocks that were collected on the moon. I was lucky enough to sit next to a man from NASA on a plane.
#4 - I once tried out for the Family Feud game show with my husband's family in San Francisco even though I hate my picture taken, speaking in public and game shows.
#5 - I have a little blue bird tattoo on my hip bone that I got on Sunset Blvd when I was 20. It's a blue bird now but it turned into a Condor when I was pregnant.
#6 - I went to beauty school. I went to nursing school and once had a lunch delivery business just like the famous Ms.Paula Deen before she was famous. I ended up with a career in the real estate mortgage business. So I can give a pretty good hair cut, make a boo-boo better, de-bone a chicken in a matter of minutes & could have declined or approved your home loan!
I am now tagging the following wonderful people & blogs and can't wait to see their 6!
Under The Compass Moon
Have fun you guys!
I was tickled to find out this morning that I was in another Etsy Treasury! A big shout out and thank you goes to Abbasgirl who featured one of my angels in her beautiful Etsy Treasury. Check out her shop & lovely inspirational items.

WOW! What are the odds?My family tried out for "family feud" too! About 25 years ago...my brother froze up and could not even speak...that was it for or family1 LOL.
Your work is lovely in my treasury, and thanks for the link.
Blessings to you!
That Alice Cooper story is a hoot! I LOVE him! Been listening to his albums longer than I care to say.
I'll have to give some thought as to what I'm willing to share on my blog ;)
thanks for the tag and the mention - but I think I've done this one before and I don't have time right now to think on it! I appreciate you though!
ha, that's why i have a tattoo on my ankle, heee heee heee. those are a bunch of cool random things you got!
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