I had a pretty uneventful but very relaxing weekend, which I needed. Watched a few movies. The Invention of Lying was AWFUL. We thought it would be funny starring Ricky Gervais and had looked forward to renting it. Turns out it was blasphemous & not funny. Making fun of, or trying to make people think that believing in God is stupid, was not entertaining in the least. Really a disappointment. Ricky's performance was ok, he pretty much acts the same in every movie. Jennifer's performance was dull for me, she's not that funny or believable. She was suppose to be a real beauty in the film but with the awful hair styles, this was hard for me to buy. At times I even thought she was ugly. I'm sorry if that sounds really mean. You are pretty Jen but your ears are distracting. Just keeping it real. Why hasn't someone told her that her ears are just too odd looking to wear ponytails or her hair pulled tightly back or pushed back around the ears? Sorry Jennifer, said with all kindness, please don't let them fix your hair like this anymore.
I went through some of the many canvases I have to be repainted or thrown out, pieces that I never listed, never finished, or just wasn't pleased with. Examining each old canvas with a fresh eye, it was noticeable to even me how much I have grown since painting full-time. I also noticed that I may have given up on a few pieces too quickly, instead of working on it a little longer. After I finished some pieces that I have to get done I may repaint some of my old paintings. Maybe paint some new folky stuff, some new crabs, chic
kens & funky flowers.
I'm having fun painting the little bees right now and have added a few new ACEOs to my Etsy Shop. I may put a few old ones just mentioned on Ebay & start the bid like so many do at $.99 just to make room for more, spring clean. I have heard many pros & cons to listing on Ebay at $.99. As a full-time artist it could be very discouraging to have your hard work & originals go for pennies. Not to mention the hole you are in for cost of supplies. Also what does it say about your art? Does it reflect how you value your work or others will? I was approached by someone not long ago offering to put all my original artwork under their name and sell it on Ebay with a starting bid of $.99, promising me big final bids & they would take a commission. What? Not sure why they would think this would be a good idea for me to do. Ebay fees are already high, more than $.99! I know there are a few Artist that have a following that do quite well, however, it's been the opposite experience for me. Recently I put an opening bid of $4.99 on an ACEO, which I feel is low for original art work, it didn't sell. Then I put an opening bid at $11.99, a more reasonable price for a mini original, and it sold. So go figure! I'm taking a poll. What do you think? Would you or do you list your work on Ebay with an opening bid at $.99 ? I'd love to hear what you have to say on this subject.
I've had so much fun creating collections in Etsy's new Treasury East. Click Here to see the collections I've made so far. I am also honored that the following people have included my art in their creative collections! Click on their name to see their shop & their Treasury to see their collections. The Big Shout Outs go to RasberrySwirl81 their Treasury, SilverandEarth their Treasury, DesigningIt their Treasury , MindieLee their Treasury and my friend Terraworks who makes beautiful pottery. Unfortunately her Treasury has expired already but it was lovely & lovely to be included.
I know right!?! :) That "look" made me laugh so loud I woke my hubby up last night!
Everybody Dance Now!
I'm having so much fun designing shirts & other pieces in my new Zazzle shop. Every chance I get I'm in there playing. Click "Here" to check out more new items in my Zazzle Shop! I have had a Cafepress shop for awhile but haven't done much with it. Zazzle for me is more user friendly and the selection is better as far as I'm concerned. I was relieved to find out that the shirts turn out great and are good quality and the shoes turn out cute too! When I get mine I will post a picture.
Do you have a traditional dinner on Easter like you do Thanksgiving or Christmas? Something that you make & look forward to every year? Ham? Turkey? Roast? A special side dish? I wish I did but surprise! I don't. Deviled eggs don't count either. haha Easter we always seem to wing it, not a standard dish, just whatever we feel like at the time. Maybe this year is the time to start a new tradition. Now I just have to decide what that might be...
Gallery Exhibits:
Currently at Hoyt Gallery, USC Los Angeles, CA
Heart & Soul Gallery, Cameron Park, CA
The Empress, Placerville, CA
Twitter Art Exhibit - New York City, March 2016, Moss, Norway 2015 - Annual exhibit, Location varies, 2011 to present.
City of Fremont Olive Hyde Gallery, Fremont CA Oct 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA May - July 2010
Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, CA May 2010
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 09
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA June 09
Cafe Refugio, Sacramento, CA Feb 09
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 08
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08