Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Mr. President...

Monday, February 25, 2013
Some Tasty Tid Bits...
Did you know that Manna from Heaven, spoke of in the Book of Exodus, was a lot like mushrooms but tasted like honey wafers? Now that is Love!
I painted a few mushrooms on rocks. Yes I did say rocks. Well they turned out cute & will most likely become a gift. I think I should just paint me a garden because of my big purple thumb. haha I had so much fun painting the mushrooms that I had to paint some on paper.
Here's another Tasty Tid Bit... my favorite mushroom bread recipe. A friend served this years ago and I begged for the recipe. I think I will make this for Easter. Just click on the picture for the recipe. Thanks to BeanTown Baker for sharing the photo & recipe!

Monday, February 18, 2013
Happy President's Day!

Saturday, February 16, 2013
Promised Demo

Friday, February 15, 2013
Daily Devotion
Today for my devotional painting I finished an Angel on a wooden cigar box lid that started literally a few years ago. Devotion ... hum... could be stubborness. haha I have painted on this box top several times, never happy with the outcome. There are even reminents of glitter once upon a time, underneath the paint, now adding a little texture. I left the gold clasp on it for a bow or to hang it up by. I left the cigar box label intact on the inside. She's a little different in that she is smiling on both sides of her face.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013
LoVe LoVe LoVe

Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Finishing What I Started

Monday, February 11, 2013
"I Dreamed I was in Fresno Last Night"

Saturday, February 9, 2013
Happy New Year Again!
Chinese New Year starts Feb 10th. When I'm not painting I'm sewing or have some kind of needle in my hand. I have so much fabric it's shameful. I decided I better start doing something with it or else... This is the project I just finished and can't wait to start the next one! Some of my next projects may include painted fabric or some of my art printed on fabric.

Monday, February 4, 2013
Big Studio Sale!
All of a sudden...well...it seems like all of a sudden, I have way too much stuff. While I was down & out, it was out of sight, out of mind. Now that I am able to get back to work, all of this stuff is bogging me down. You know me, in addition to painting I have to try every craft there is and I love to sew so I poppin at the seams. I sent my sister a picture of my studio just so she would believe me when I said "It looks like a bomb went off in there". I could tell she was shocked & that was only 1/2 of the view! I think the mess got bigger the more I started organizing!
I am listing lots of ACEOs on Ebay & some things on Etsy that were created as trials for larger pieces, for commissions, or just for fun and for one reason or another I didn't list it or like it.