I finished up a painting I was working on this morning called "Prayer Meeting" and it is now listed on Ebay for sale. I incorporated fine sand for lots of texture in this one and p
ainted it "rustically", not over painting it and letting some of the background show through. I also relisted 2 that did not sell. I was surprised that the blue roman looking one didn't sell, she's one of my favorites and so pretty in person, however, now with Ebay's best match thing, unless you pay $16 or more to list, your paintings don't get any views & are buried in the back, and she had very little views. I may be listing some prints, however, they will be in my store. I've been a little blue lately over sales. I have some wonderful regular customers/collectors, however, if things don't pick up a little I may have to start seriously thinking about hitting the pavement and go back to life in a cubicle. I browsed through some of the art on Ebay last night and it's not just me. Sales on Ebay aren't what they were last year at this time. Maybe it is the economy, maybe it's all of Ebay's changes...or my art...
I am submitting my "Pink" Angel to Tangent Gallery for a show in November tomorrow. I have been agonizing over my artist statement. We'll see what happens. I have pretty much completed my paintings for the Coffee Garden show December 13th and will be starting some small paintings for charity donation at that show. I am also going to be starting some new mermaid angel paintings. I haven't painted a mermaid angel for a while and miss them a bit. I plan to be listing a couple of mermaid angel greeting cards on Etsy today or tomorrow as well.
My Joyful Dream Beach Angel with beautiful autumn colors was featured in another Etsy Treasury this weekend by EllieLee. Her shop is full of beautiful flower photography and lovely ACEOs, definitely worth a moment to check out. Thank you EllieLee!
What?! Only 70 something days to Christmas! Don't hate me for saying that! Start shopping, original art is always great gift and there are definitely some great deals on original art on Ebay!