Sometimes I feel like the lady and sometimes I feel like the kid!

I painted all day. I finished the wings & final touches on the pink angel from the last post and the final picture will go in my slide show. I did a practice run on a piece for the gallery show, something I had in my head, to see if I'd like it. This was a canvas that had already been painted. 12 x 16 & it's 1.75" thick. What's wrong with this picture? Other than it not being fully done...where's all my colors? I normally paint with lots of color and this is out of the ordinary for me! I am torturing myself over this gallery show. The kids stopped by and say I should do the same picture but do an "aura angel" and bright spring time background. I may try it on another defunked canvas.
I am finishing up another "aura angel" with an eye popping teal background that I will be listing. I listed some things on Ebay yesterday including my little pig angel. I went to search for them today and they didn't even come up in a search! What is up with that Ebay? That's very upsetting. The best match thing they started is very unfair, everyone is paying the same price to list, which is not cheap, and they are giving some preferential treatment. If someone has bad feedback then as a buyer you don't have to buy from them. Bring back the old Ebay I say.
On my beloved DVR I recorded a bunch of Rachel Zoe Project shows on the Bravo channel, stayed up late and watched them all. I hadn't seen it yet. Her assistant "Tay" is something else, that's all I'm saying. Love the new assistant with his bow ties. *Adorable* What I determined after watching for about 15 minutes is that I am a total fashion retard. Not quite an Ugly Betty (love that show) but my closet is full of black. It's the Black Hole. Surprised? Maybe that's why I paint so much color! I love black though. The show almost made me want to go shopping or sew something. I have 3 sewing machines and they are covered in cobwebs. Clothes shopping is something I don't enjoy at all. I have to really get myself psyched up for it. I get in a funk for at least 2 days after viewing myself in the fun house mirrors they have in the dressing rooms. I hate trying on clothes. But I am slowly getting paint on everything I own so I'll have to bite the bullet & go soon. It seems every year I go shopping in the fall & winter, so I never have any summer clothes but lots of winter things. I love fall & winter it's my favorite time of year.
I feel wiped out tired today. Maybe from staying up too late, but I do that a lot, so it's odd I am feeling so beat. So I missed a SS Quirky Art group meeting tonight. I just didn't have the energy to put together the things I needed to take and then drive 70 miles tonight. Oh crap I just heard my dad's voice in my head...he said "Are you taking your vitamins?"
I painted on this very pink angel today and will hopefully finish her up tomorrow. She is turning out to be one of my favorites and her eyes do follow you! I haven't decided if I am going to submit her to Tanget Gallery, sell her yet or keep her for myself! I hope to be listing a couple of things tomorrow. My husband stayed home from work today so I didn't get as much done as I had planned but it was kind of nice day having him here. I definitely skipped working out with Jackie Warner today! I painted most of the day & decided we'd have a simple dinner. I made a big salad, a little steak that I cooked on the George Foreman and yellow potatoes. I bought them by accident but turns out they are fantastic. I've never had them before which is odd. I cut them in half not going all the way through, then put a bay leaf in the cut, wrapped them in plastic and microwaved for 4 minutes. (the potato doesn't get all dried up that way) You have to try the bay leaf in a baked potato if you've never tried it. It's so good you don't need butter on it!
Another one of my Beach Angels was featured in an Etsy Treasury today by Vsilcoxdesigns! She sells beautiful hand painted glass. Please take a moment to check out her shop & her beautiful Treasury!
Thank you Liquidillusions for the blog award! I have been compiling a little list of people to pass it to. Here they are: Marylou's Art Adventure A Painting A Day Maitri Libellule -Always an interesting read - I love looking at all the lovely things! - Always interesting! Love the quotes & thoughts
Please copy your award, post it to your blog, add a link to my blog & pass it on to others!
A big thank you shout out goes to EllieLee for featuring one of my beach angels in a beautiful Etsy Treasury the other day! Ellielee's shop is full of gorgeous photography & art prints. Be sure to check it out.
I have finished my commission paintings and will be concentrating on getting new things listed this week and working on paintings for the galleries. Also I was sent information on a show in Florida that puts the submitted artwork on billboards, so I may submit something for that as well, seems like fun!
Today I was emailed the one the funniest youtube videos I've ever seen! If you need a good belly laugh you must check this video out! I used to sing to chorus of Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater... "there's a bathroom on the right" hahaha I thought that's what they were saying! Of course later I find out that it's just like the title "there's a bad moon on the rise"! LOL I still get teased about that one! So when I saw this video I couldn't quit laughing! I'm still laughing !! Nice way to start the day!
Shoot me because I have no shots of the The Circus Show & Other Atrocities . Once again I get a few miles from home and realize I have left my camera! Just far enough away to where there is no turning back. I need an extra just to keep in my purse honestly and half the time I leave the house with only a few bars left on my cell phone.
Yep! I did it. Took the first step and prepared a canvas for my piece in the gallery show Dec 13th. I think I am going to paint gloppy instead of thinly. See what happens. I bought several canvas so if I make a mess of it I'll just start over. The theme of the gallery show is "Gather the Women". I haven't exactly decided what I want to do yet. The canvas is a big one and I may do 2 angels on it. One looking up and one looking down. If I do something crazy, unusual or out of my norm, I would feel like I wasn't being myself, however, I don't want to be like an actor that's typecast in the same role forever either. But hey I have the canvas ready to go the first step has been taken! I finished a blue Aura Angel today and was requested to do 2 more. I also revamped the pinky pu
rple one as well so she's finished.
I would like to give a big shout out to Shadysidefarm at for featuring my bee card in her Treasury today. She has wonderful knit & crochet items. I noticed that she sells the crochet cotton dishcloths and I love those! They are the best! One swipe..all clean. They pick up everything! I went to a garage sale once and the woman had put 2 of those out to sell for $.50. I couldn't believe it. Score! But I couldn't find it in myself to practically steal them knowing that they were a treasure! I asked her if she had used them (they were obviously new, just meant those kind of cloths). She told me that someone had made them for her and she hadn't used them. I told her how great they were and she should really give them a try, & she will thank me later, so she took them back in the house! haha I did her a big favor and I truly believe that she was thanking me later. I have a friend that asks for those at Christmas. But if you haven't tried them get yours now at Shadysidefarm! You'll thank me too! LOL So here's the very cool Bee Treasury
Here I go again with the song titles! Funny how much they sum up what's going on with me! One of the things in the SS Indie collaborative project was to do a sugar skull. Well I had the trouble with the hard modeling paste but I ended up having a lot of fun painting it today. I have another as well but I truly did wreck that one, part of his chin melted off! I had so much fun painting this one though that I am going to paint it anyway. I mailed off a large box of paintings today and went out to breakfast with my husband. When my son called my husband told him to "guess what she's doing"! He guessed it, I was painting! I worked on 2 other Aura Angels yesterday & today and will post the pictures later. Tomorrow I will be babysitting! I can't wait to get me some of that sugar!
I spent the morning running errands, then I danced for 1/2 hour to a stranger's playlist *the dogs kept giving me weird looks*, I packaged prints & cards that sold, then I forced myself to work on my collaborative projects. I have to make the exchange tomorrow evening at a SS meeting. When I force myself nothing ever comes out right. I am not even going to show a picture of it because it's just not good. My creative mojo just wasn't groovin' on that piece. I just painted in some curtains, made curlie q's on the chandalier and painted a stool that the girl is sitting on. It was a difficult piece being 10 x 20 and the angles are off. When I decided that it no longer looked like a 2nd grader did it*close but not quite*, I decided I'd work on a skull, which is part of the same project. The skull is made of sugar and has green crystal eyes set in. I had the bright idea to put some hard modeling paste on it to fill in the cracks & to cover it before I started painting, or decorating...well it wasn't too bright. It is laying on the sugar like rubber and it's kind of freaking me out to touch it. It feels like skin! Maybe it will dry harder, I'm not sure, it should be dry by now. There are some extras so I may just start over. A few Swell Sisters have done really fabulous work on the skulls. One did an Aztec theme, another used peacock feathers. I can't wait to see them in person.
And for the rest of the week. I haven't even touched my collaborative project yet and it's about time for the switch. Ut oh. These 2 are hard ones. One is a sugar skull! I am going to put hard modeling paste on it, that's as much as I have thought that through. If it wasn't sugar I'd be doing some fimo clay work on it. Does hard sugar melt at 200 degrees?
Gallery Exhibits:
Currently at Hoyt Gallery, USC Los Angeles, CA
Heart & Soul Gallery, Cameron Park, CA
The Empress, Placerville, CA
Twitter Art Exhibit - New York City, March 2016, Moss, Norway 2015 - Annual exhibit, Location varies, 2011 to present.
City of Fremont Olive Hyde Gallery, Fremont CA Oct 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA May - July 2010
Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, CA May 2010
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 09
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA June 09
Cafe Refugio, Sacramento, CA Feb 09
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 08
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08