Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Time Flies!
In honor of my 1 year blog anniversary I did a drawing with the names of all my Followers. I can't believe it's been a year already! My youngest son & grandson were the Masters of Ceremonies! Looks like I may have 4 drummers on my hands pretty soon! Perhaps I will do another drawing soon just for fun! Cathie at MagicMarkingsArt was the winner! Check out her wonderful art & blog!
Yes that is 2 liter bottle is another one of my white trash redneck toys! Who knew a bottle with red food coloring in it could be so much fun?! haha JJ is getting his brave on. Standing up holding on to the table and then letting go. He can stand alone for a little while. He tried taking a step today but it didn't work out. It won't be long and we will be chasing him around the house! He is growing up so fast it will soon be his 1st birthday! Time does fly by!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Watch Out For That Step It's a Doozie!
Remember Ned... Ned Ryerson. "Needlenose Ned" "Ned the Head" from the movie Groundhog day? (Stephen Tobolowsky) "Watch out for that step! It's a doozie!" hahaha My hubby used to get so aggravated when I'd want to watch that movie again. He can't grasp why I would want to when the whole movie is nearly the same thing over & over. I love that movie though. He rarely watches a movie twice. I thought of it today as I almost took a tumble at the grocery store. Of course I looked around to see if anyone saw me. I'm sure someone did but I didn't hear anyone laughing. Thankfully I didn't throw my back out, so far so good anyway. Darn flip flops that I live in. Many times I watch a movie over again to notice the set/props/decor, or the lighting , or to pay more attention to costumes, or the camera man/angels or for the sheer pleasure of escape. I watched the movie Gattaca last night. I am surprised that I had passed that one over for so long. It was really different and I loved the costumes and set. I enjoyed it but it's not one I would watch a bunch of times even though Jude Law is easy on the eyes.

Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
To The Angels That Follow Me
So as I sat reminiscing over the past year, where I was, and where I am now; I decided to post a few of my memorable moments or silly& goofy posts in the past year. There are a lot in between, I just picked one from each month, except this month...
May 2008 - Life Outside The Cubicle - My first post
June 2008 - They Say It's Your Birthday!
July 2008 - Ok Wednesday Wasn't It...Friday Is!
August 2008 - If This House Is A Rockin'...Come On In
September 2008 - Life's Just A Wild Ride (this still makes me laugh)
November 2008 - A Day At The Beach
December 2008 - Oh What A Night!
January 2009 - Tagged & Tickled (my first time being tagged)
February 2009 - Tuesday's Altered Thoughts
March 2009 - One Won't Do It
April 2009 - Cross Country Country Music
I love blogs & blogging and have met so many wonderful people. All of your support & wonderful comments this past year means a great deal to me! Thank you for being an Angel of mine!
P.S. If you've already read these posts just ignore them and start thinking of a print you'd like in you win! haha

Friday, May 22, 2009
Painting Willy Nilly

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sentimental Journey

I'm "It"!

This is how the tag works: 1. Name and link back to person who tagged you. 2.List 6 things that make you happy. 3.Tag six bloggers and let them know they're it by leaving a comment.

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Looking At Art With Sister Wendy
Many years ago I happened to catch a series on PBS with Sister Wendy. I was lucky to catch it on a weekend and I spent one entire day doing nothing else but watching her. I don't even think I ended up getting dressed that day. Her descriptions, meanings, definitions, & things she pointed out made me look at art in a way I had never before.
Today as I was roaming around Youtube looking for something interesting to share with you I found Bill Moyers' fascinating interview with Sister Wendy Beckett this afternoon and could not quit watching. I was completely enthralled by her once again and watched all 6 parts and wish I could find the 7th. Watching every part is lengthy but watching them in order is certainly worth your time even if you are not an Artist. After this post I'm going to be shopping for some of her books & videos.
I feel Sister Wendy hits it on the head when she suggests looking at a few things & studying a few things at a time. Looking at image after image even though it can be fun at times, (easy to do on stumbleupon or flickr) I find kind of squashes my own creativity. I spend hours thinking about all the things I've seen and wanting to try new things, go off in different directions, instead of concentrating & working on my own art. I love her opinion that art "deepens our awareness of things that matter." In this conversation Part 3 Sister Wendy talks about looking at art.

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Dirty Dog!
Roadie! Dirty Dog! He decided to have a little salad & ate my new lettuce sprouts! He's still my angel no matter what he does. He was not in trouble but doesn't he look really guilty as I'm taking his picture?! haha

Arichoke Soup Photo courtesy of Pinch My Salt at Flickr.com

Thursday, May 14, 2009
I've Got The Fever?
Maybe spring fever has been my problem lately for the lack of painting I have been getting accomplished? Maybe but I've been painting this week and it feels good. I have lots of new paintings in the works and surprise! they are not all Angels!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Show Me Some Love
And that my family did! I had a very nice Mother's Day. My hubby made a big wonderful breakfast & tasty coffee to start my day. It was so big no one felt like dinner so I ended up eating a can of Chef Boyardee ravioli for dinner! Haven't had that for years and believe it or not it was tastier than I remember. He bought me a beautiful stalk of orchids that are white with a touch of burgundy color in them. I went outside and picked some red tips out of my yard and covered the base of the vase then added a touch of yellow broom which really set the orchids off. Martha would be proud. haha I also got a beautiful bouquet from my kids. All the flowers & being in the yard got me motivated. I transferred my seedlings that Sandypetals told me how to start in plastic zip lock bags to little pots. Yes I am patting myself on the back because my thumb is not green at all. Now all I have to do is remember to water them and re-pot them pretty soon and hopefully I'll be making some great pickles and salsa later this year. I even bought some lime green zinnias & nasturtiums to start. Woo Hoo I'm on a roll!
While on Twitter today Oliveshoot shared this new video. I love the song and doesn't Rueben look so handsome?! She has some sweet tweets.

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I'd Like to...

It doesn't happen too often that I'm in a funky mood/borderline bad mood but today is just one of those days. It is usually on one of these days that I do something drastic and regret it later; like cutting mega inches off my hair or dying it brown or red-which is not my natural color & not at the beauty shop either; starting a project while convincing myself it's only going to take an hour but truly it's gonna take days to finish, or groom the poodles myself... you get the picture. I have so far resisted the urge. I even drove to the corner store without my seatbelt on just to stick it to big brother. hahaha That's about as rebel as I get these days. haha I have to admit it felt good to be a little naughty.
I tried to paint today, ugh, nothing is making me smile or happy. I have been in a painting funk for weeks now. I need a muse. I am sure part of it comes from so many stressful family things that are going on lately. It may be finally getting me to me, loved ones hurting or sick, the lack of sales & phone calls tempting back into cubicle life with a big juicy paycheck. I know it's rough for everyone right now and I do honestly feel blessed that I am working from home, doing what I love and can be here for those who need me so please forgive me I'm just whiny.
I drove my son around today to put in more job applications. I have gotten him behind the wheel a few times this week so I'm making progress there. While he was filling out an application I popped into the local thrift store. I bought a hole punch for $.50. What I wanted to buy was a beautiful grand piano they had for $400. Well it could be beautiful with a little elbow grease. It was huge. My living room is huge but it would have taken up 1/4 of it and I couldn't even play it properly. I'd need some John Thompson books & lessons. Again I resisted the urge. Talk about one of those drastic things that I would later regret! haha

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I'm Driving In My Sleep!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Sunday Blessed

Saturday, May 2, 2009
My Man & The Movies
Sorry for no post yesterday I had a sweet friend come spend the day with me. I had so much fun. We went out & had a nice lunch, watched "The Wrestler", then I whooped her in a couple of games of dominoes. Slam! It was a good day even though my allergies were so bad I sounded like a drag queen & went through a box of kleenex. It poured down rain too and you all know I love that!
Today is dark & grey, no rain yet, but it looks like it's gonna bust out soon. I'm still a little under the weather. With the shade screens we have it seems even darker than it actually is. I'm not going to paint or finish anything today. I'd be forcing myself and I've learned that when I force myself I just end up making a mess and wasting good canvas or wood.
I cut my hubby's hair this morning. Yep I'm a beauty school drop out but I have 30 yrs of hair cutting experience! He looked so handsome it motivated him to shave off his beard & mustache! Yippee! He looks so much younger & hunkier! He's playing the drums at Vega's in Old Sacramento tonight. So I am gonna snuggle up in his leather recliner (best view in the house of the big screen) with a blankey and watch another foreign film.
I watched a foreign film earlier today. "Caramel" It took me several hours to get through it because I would have to pause it or rewind it everytime someone talked to me, called, or needed to do something. I love foreign films but have to watch them alone because no one else in this house likes reading the subtitles. When "Shall We Dance" came out I thought why can't Hollywood come up with something new without stealing foreign films? But it was a good cast and I thought it was ok. Then when "No Reservations" came out I thought Not again! I am sorry to say that remake was awful, well sorry Katherine, you made it awful. She was so unbelievable & really didn't do the part justice. No chemistry there either. I thought it was horrible. Go rent the original foreign version it's so much better. Since I'm doing some movie reviews haha I'll tell you what I thought of "The Wrestler"... I liked that it was different, not the same old story, liked the camera angels, lighting and the parts where I didn't have my eyes closed were ok. "7 Pounds", also liked it because it is different, however, by the end I thought I might like a bath too. I needed to watch "Yes Man" to shake off the funk and have some fun!