Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Wordless Wednesday??

Monday, March 30, 2009
A Great Day!
I had my little JJ today. We had fun out in the yard. It was another beautiful day. It's been 2 weeks since I've had him and I couldn't believe how grown up he's getting. He's sitting up and crawling everywhere. He's the sweetest thing. I got lots of slobbery kisses today!

Saturday, March 28, 2009
One Won't Do it!
I need 4 or 5 of these this morning or a big Ole bucket! I stayed up really late last night. We watched the movie Cadillac Records (love Etta James) and then I got on the computer. It was almost 2am before I hit the hay.
I went to Long Beach Blues Festival a few years ago. It was a blast but it was one of the hottest days Long Beach ever had. Definitely a memorable day. Everyone was sweaty, sunburned, spraying themselves down with water bottles and covering themselves in wet t-shirts trying to stay cool. Etta came on last so we were sticking it out. Finally when her time came she sat at the back of the stage and refused to have her picture up on the big screen. No one could see her. I overheard some saying that she refused to come out because she thought she was too fat. It was very disappointing and over half of the people walked out including us. We went back to the house, washed up, got something cold to drink, sat on the patio and listened to her CD. I enjoyed the movie and thought Beyonce did a great job.
I was in my son's room this morning complaining about how jacked up and stinky it is and I found a painting I had forgot about. I had stored some paintings in there before he moved back in. It's daffodils in a clay pot with polka dot background. I think I will list some of my paintings from last year at ridiculous prices on Ebay this week just to make some more room around here. So stay tuned and have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, March 26, 2009
It's just a stage... that's what my Mom used to say. I'm sure I'm going through one of those right now because I've been in the yard for 2 days! and you know that's not like me. haha Today is really windy so I've only been out there for a few minutes to "plant" the mushrooms I made. I saw a video on how to make concrete leaves and she had done a mushroom as well. I thought the mushrooms in the yard were so cool but I don't have any concrete. What could I use to make me a mushroom? Then it came to me...easy, simple, cheap and maybe cute? maybe. I melted vinyl records! I have lots of those. (recycle/reuse) I only had brown, white, blue & copper spray paint so that's what I used. And as you can tell my yard is "woodsy"so the colors worked out well. The designs and possibilities are endless. I melted the records over stainless bowls at 250 degrees, shaped it, then painted them and stuck them on old sticks I found around the yard. I used hot glue to secure them better. They were really fun! I will probably make some more but actually paint them instead of spray painting them. If you make some of these I'm sure you will be able to come up with some really cool designs much better than mine.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I'm Dirty Today!
I actually got in the dirt today and gardened! I planted around my patio. If you know me, I hate gardening but today was such a beautiful day I couldn't stay inside. I can't wait to tell my sister. She's gonna be so proud. haha I actually kind of enjoyed it and did a little raking too. Raking at my place takes days and is almost a full-time job. I have about 20 oak trees in the back yard and way too much yard for my purple thumb. I stumbled across this garden art website the other day that shows how to make concrete garden spheres and I love them! Next time I'm at Home Depot I'm going to get some concrete, pull out my exercise ball and try making one! Click here to see the site. When I do I'll be sure to take pictures because it's probably going to be comical.
So I got nothing painted today. This afternoon I met with one of my Swell Sisters and picked up 2 paintings that were in a gallery last month. She was so sweet to bring them up the hill. I gave her a little tulip ACEO for her trouble. ACEOs sure make great gifts! I listed a print of this one called Love Grows in my Etsy Shop . This one is so bright, cheerful and happy. I just love the original. It's for sale in Cartfly at the bottom of my blog.

Monday, March 23, 2009
In My Studio
Yesterday went by in a blink of an eye. I cleaned house, even planted some trumpet vines in the back yard while it was raining! Hours went by without notice while I was painting. I'm feeling better so it felt good to be busy.
I'm having fun painting little ACEOs. These I called "Cotton Fields" and are now listed in my shop at Etsy. Done in "Martha" colors. I plan to a lot more this week. I think these flowers would be pretty on canvas.

Saturday, March 21, 2009
What A Treat!
Last night the kids and I watched an episode of Diners, Drive-in's & Dives with Guy on the Food Network. He visited the Squeeze Inn down on Fruitridge Road in Sacramento. Before we moved up the hill I used to drive past this little place everyday. I have had a burger there but it was probably 20 years ago. They didn't make them the way they do now. Now this little place one of the most well known and loved burger places in Sacramento. It's a tiny funky little place that you would take a 2nd look at, but aren't those kind of places that usually serve up the best
burgers? Growing up my dad, who is a burger connoisseur, always in search of the best burger or chili dog, had to stop at the ugliest burger places on our trips across country. He thought those were the places to get the best burgers and he usually was right. Anyway, the kids decided after the show that they were going down there today and get one. They had to wait in line for 1 hour to order then wait 1 hour for the burger! My son said it was worth the trip & the wait and I would have to agree! They brought a burger home for me! Normally I hate cheese on my
hamburgers but I ate this one and it was so good! My husband is playing with the Spotted Dogs tonight and he missed out, so he insists we go down to get him one next week. Here's some pictures that the kids took and a video piece on how they make the burgers. They are much bigger than they appear in the picture. My son said the fries were just as awesome as the burger. I hope I will be able to "Squeeze Inn"to my jeans tomorrow!

Friday, March 20, 2009
Finally Feeling Fine on Friday
I'm finally feeling a bit better and it's Friday already. I finished this angel I have been working on. It's a colorful piece and I love her crown of glory. Each side of her face shows a different expression. I think of compassion and pride. A print of her is now available here on Etsy. I also listed this freckled Aura Angel here on Ebay.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A Little Word on Wednesday

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Oh If You Could Hear Me Today...
... I sound like a sexy drag queen! LOL I called my son today and the kid that answered the phone said to him "I think it might be your mom but I'm not sure..." LOL I got it and it's awful. Coughing feels like razor blades in my chest. Ouch. Today I am feeling a little better but I was hoping I'd feel a lot better. I wanted to go to a life drawing session with a live model this morning. I didn't make it. I told my mom yesterday that I wanted to go. She asked if it was a male model. I told her yes. She said with a spark in her voice " Oh you'll be better! You'll be better tomorrow!" So honestly I think my mom will be more disappointed that I didn't go than I am. hahaha She's funny.
If you know me, you know I can't just sit and do nothing, so while I've been tangled in a blanket, with my pj's on, bare faced, hair barely brushed, in a recliner with tv tray by my side, I did lots of sketches and managed to make an easy crochet scarf. I'm not really crazy about the yarn. I probably should have used it for slippers instead but whatever. A scarf that normally would take me maybe 2 hours took 3 times that. I would pick it up, put it down, pick it up... It's just 5 rows of triple crochet & approx 2 yards long. It actually looks much better than the picture shows though.
When I have some energy back *zapped* I am going to be working on a few collage pieces on paper to submit for a gallery show in April. The theme will deal with the perils the news paper industry/print media are up against. I thought that was an interesting theme and I have a few ideas in my head. I don't do many pieces on paper so this will be a fun project. April is a busy month for me, lots of birthdays. My wedding anniversary is also in April and I whined the other day about how long it's been since we went to San Francisco, so my husband and I decided to go there for a couple of days for our anniversary. I can't wait. Maybe I'll wear my new scarf!

7 Things I Love

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Tuesday's Altered Thoughts

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Angels & Daydreaming
A big Thank you to all those who commented and were concerned for me and my "kitchen nightmare"! That was so sweet.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Hell's Kitchen?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A Little Word on Wednesday
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Meet Ms. Lucy

A print of her can be purchased on Etsy here and the original is available in my new shopping cart at the bottom of this blog!
I took pictures of the progression of this painting from start to finish. Normally I don't change the faces so many times during the process, she just took a while to come to life and let me know who she was.
My sweet son made the video for me! Thank you Bubba!He did this in minutes so now I have to learn how to do it! You will see as I said her face changes several times until she let me know who she was.
I'm feeling a little rotten today so I didn't get out to the post office and now I'm feeling a little guilty. My husband has been sick for a week now. I sure hope I am not getting what he has. ugh.

Monday, March 2, 2009
Tags and Thank You's
I was tagged by Ramblin Mama at Random Splashes of Thought! In this tag, you must post the 4th picture file on your computer and blog about it. You then tag 4 others to follow suit. When I came to the 4th single picture, skipping the folders of photos, it was this one. I hollered out "Hey Honey I have to put your skinny white chicken legs and super sexy slippers on my blog!" My husband hollered back "Ok I don't care" and then didn't even ask me what I was doing! hahaha I did tell him later. He took this picture with his cell phone then sent it to me via email when I was working in Denver for a couple of weeks year before last. The picture was suppose to make me jealous he had both poodles loving on him and not me! hahaha So here are the people I am tagging... Be sure to check out their blogs! I can't wait to see their pictures. John Wright Art, Cris Melo Art, Hayley Judith Egan and Teri Rees Wang.

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Meet " Ms. Mildred"
She will watch over you and your kitchen! She really does keep an eye on you. If you move side to side while looking at her you will see what I mean.