Since my grandson was born last Friday it's been hard staying on top of things. I did finally paint some today! I will be mailing out that commission of 6 paintings either tomorrow or Saturday. Tomorrow & this weekend I will be concentrating on painting & try not to get sidetracked with yarn of any kind! I have noticed a big drop in sales since I haven't listed anything on auction at Ebay. I have to get back on that bus before everyone on Ebay forgets me and I lose my mojo there! I love Etsy more but unless you are spending a lot daily to list your things don't get seen. I listed a couple of prints of some Aura Angels yesterday on Etsy and some crocheted cuffs which by the way work great as coffee cup cozies - double duty! Slip one on your wrist in the morning, stop at your favorite coffee spot.... you'll be stylish & green! Yesterday I also worked on a new Zine but am having trouble getting it lined up perfectly to print out. I may end up taking it to the printers. It's about the sea and I wrote the poem for it. Those are fun to make but they are really time consuming.
I am considering being a moderator for an Altered Book subgroup of Swell Sisters, however, my biggest concern is the time factor. I've got my painting, all my other subgroups, computer groups, my blog, computer work, a new grandson, oh yes and the dreaded housework too. It will be a real balancing act and I don't know how I can pull it all off yet. Maybe just dive in and everything will balance itself out?? That I'm still debating. It will be August tomorrow and I am already stressing a little over what I will have in the art show in December. Aura Angels, Mermaids, still life, something else..... ????? Oils or acrylics or mixed media...???? What to do? What to do! We are having a speaker from a gallery at our next meeting so I am looking forward to that.
Little JJ is doing good but his blood levels still are not normal. I went with him to his first doctors appointment today. It broke my heart when they were trying to get blood and couldn't find the vein. He only cried while they were doing it, and stopped immediately after. He was an angel today. I could have held him all day and can't wait to see him again. Pictures just don't do him justice he's so cute!! I'm a proud gramma and who knows I may end up with one of the cheesey gramma brag books full of pictures to bore everyone I meet with! hahaha