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Monday, August 11, 2008

Tuned Out & Turmoil on Tuesday

My husband mailed out my sold paintings today for me, I went nowhere, did no painting, no knitting, about 10 minutes of crochet, watched no tv, listened to no music and don't have much to say. That doesn't happen often. Mama said there'd be days like this! Sorry had to say it, had to bring up another song! You're gonna start to like it. hahaha

Today was a very emotional day for me dealing with my 2 boys. I will spare you all the details. I'll just say that I will be on the hunt to buy some new ballet slippers. It's much easier to walk on eggshells with those on.

But something exciting did happen tonight! I found out I was featured in another Treasury on Etsy! You can view it at It's a great collection of beautiful items. Thank you Maclancy!! You can view her wonderful Etsy shop full of vintage photos and cards at .

Tomorrow I have a Swell Sister meeting and I am going to go get some little baby JJ sugar love! I can't wait to see him and hold him! So it's already a better day tomorrow!

1 comment:

maclancy said...

thanks so much Janet, I appreciate your blog too! As I am a seller of photos on ebay to make ends meet and a single mom of a 16 yr old starting school today as a junior, life has many ups and downs in our home. I was thrilled to use your work in the etsy treasury.. we need to stick together! I was an artist for 20 years before the photo thing.. I will send a link to my encaustic work online if you like to see. all the best and blessings to you Janet...MArianne
i don't know why its still online but it is...