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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

And Now Featuring!....

Yes that would be Me! Wow is all I can say! I woke up this morning to a lovely email telling me that they had taken the liberty to do a feature on me in their blog and hoped I didn't mind! Of course I wouldn't mind at all! Such a nice way to start the day! The blog is if you'd like to take a peek at it. She has a wonderful blog & I will be returning to it quite often. She makes the most beautiful henna boxes on Etsy so be sure to check those out too! I was also featured in an Etsy Treasury for the 6th time! I feel great pride and honor that people are so pleased with my art.

I think there is a lot of confusion about what "folk art" truly is. Typically people think of rustic things, primitives, etc..., however, I view the term folk art as art being created by someone not professionally trained. That describes me, so that is why I call myself a folk artist.

I have been having fun painting the trees on broken wood and my aura angels. I listed 4 things on Ebay today. 3 magical trees and 1 aura angel. Initially I was not going to list the angel, perhaps paint over her, but the more I looked at her the more I liked her. I call her "Compassion". That's what she looks like to me. I posted the pictures of the magical trees on Flickr so they will be shown in my slideshow. I must say that the photos don't do them justice.

Today I am getting ready a very large piece of broken wood to do a collaborative project on with my Swell Sister art group. Each of us is preparing a piece, then we are passing it on to the next person, they work on it, then pass it on. It will ultimately end up back with me. I can't wait to see what everything will look like! I haven't done anything like this before so it's a new exciting adventure! I am also going to be starting a vineyard angel, much like my beach angels. Inspired by my road trip through the Napa Valley this weekend! So stay tuned! Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

SarahKelley said...

That's such an interesting definition of 'folk art'. I'd never thought about it like that! By that definition I'd be a folk artist too. hmm.